Saturday, October 17, 2009

My future scouting life...

My future scouting life... is depended on a guy... who is Edwin Lam.

To be honest, i dont know why that i love scouting so much. I tried to think and think again, which these comes out in my mind:

  1. fun & adventurous

  2. can make alot of friends

  3. can start to train myself from can't taking certain pressure in future

  4. so that i don't need to stay home doing nothing when i'm bored

  5. can know more handsome/hot/cute guys!!! XD

Recently i've discussed abt aiming for king scout wit Qi Ying, Jian Ming and some of the others. We decided to pick 8 person who are most active in scouts of our school. But Edwin asked me to add a few people somemore if i can. Again but, i scared Pn. Hazira will scold us. If she does, it's all my fault. Suddenly i felt that i'm so selfish...

The reason why i asked Edwin for help wit the king scout stuff is because once i asked Pn. Hazira abt it and she frowned, saying we are too slow and it will be too late for it. I was so disappointed when shen said that and i tried to get some comments from Edwin. Luckily, he's willing to help me out. From that moment onwards, i sware that i must change our school's scouting status.

After my year 2009 final exam, I'll be starting preparing for it wit my scout friends. And ofcourse, waiting for Edwin to come back working from Japan and start our work!!!!!

I said it and I meant it.

1 comment:

  1. 有心,永远不会迟.只怕无心.
    童军 永远不会放弃我们
    四海皆兄弟 童军是一家

    错 是因为没有人认同.因为他们不明白
    不明白 贝将军曾经说过:

