Sunday, September 20, 2009

Chocolate Rice Cookies vs Raisin Butter Cookies

Yesterday mom suddenly decided to bake cookies today while she was discussing with dad about how should we spend this holiday week. So, last night after dinner, we went to a nearby grocery shop to buy the ingredients. Before that, my sis & I suggested to bake chocolate chip cookies while my mom wants to bake cookies with raisins, which she likes very much.

In the end, we bought raisins and chocoloate rice as there is no chocolate chips selling. Oh well, btw it's the same what.

This morning after breakfast, my mom, sis & I start baking. We separated it into 4 times so that it's easier to bake.

1st, prepare the apparatus and ingredients.

Apparatus - A kitchen scale (make sure there's no zero error), a big bowl (not in this pic), a normal bowl, a big plate & a sieve.

Ingredients - 6 oz of flour + 1 teaspoon of baking powder
3 oz of fine sugar
1/2 of beaten egg
1/2 teaspoon of vanilla essence
4 oz of margarine
a sufficient amount of chocolate rice/ raisins
(where 1 oz = 30 g)
2nd, make sure you measure those ingredients very accurately. If not, your baking result might fail, like mine, the 3rd time we baked.

3rd, sift the flour so that it will be fine enough and won't be too hard when you eat the cookies.

4th, put the measured margarine & fine sugar into a big bowl and mix it with a strong, hard tablespoon. (Or else the spoon will be broken or bent, trust me.) until it becomes like this:

5th, beat the egg well and pour 1/2 of it into the mixture. REMEMBER!!! JUST 1/2 OF IT!!! If not it will be like my 3rd time, which has failed coz of me, accidently poured too much of egg into it. T.T

Then, stir it evenly till like this.
6th, put a tablespoon of flour each time into the mixture and stir it evenly. Repeat this until the flour has finish mixed with the mixture. Then, it will form a dough like this one:
7th, put the raisins/ chocolate rice into the dough and mix it till it's even enough. Then, it becomes...
WHAT??!! Why suddenly raisins?? Not chocolate rice meh??
Don't be shocked la... The chocolate rice will not transform into raisins. It's just that I've forgotten to take the chocolate rice dough picture. So I just replace it with this lo... XD
8th, heat up the tray in the oven so that the cookie dough will not stick on the tray. (we want it to be fast, so we add an extra plate, lol...)
9th, use your fingers to make any shape of cookies you want. Place it on the heaten tray. Remember not to place them too close to each other, coz they need spaces to expand when you bake them.
10th, put the tray into the oven & bake the cookies with 400⁰F, which is about 200⁰C. and it ends up like this:
Chocolate rice cookies ^0^
Raisin cookies ^_^
Lastly, remove the cookies from the tray and place them in a plate when it's cooled.
And you can serve them now! XD
It's very thirsty during this baking process. And at the right time, dad had made us chinese tea. =)
We've failed once today.
The third time. Too wet. Coz of my carelessness. ( My bad, my fault...) Compare these:
Right - success ; left - FAILED!!!!! T.T
But at least we've success 3/4 of them la... =)
After that, we put them in containers. My sis planned to bring some to school for her friends to try. So do I. But I don't know whether it's enough for them or not! XD
It's Hari Raya Puasa now. Should I call them " Kuih Raya" or just cookies?

1 comment:

  1. ha ha... look like 汤圆be4 put the tray into the oven . haha
    so bad !!!! tak bagi saya makan ...
